Physical Therapist

In addition to being on staff as a physical therapist, Eliette is also the Clinical Director of KidTherapy. Before receiving her Masters of Physical Therapy at Southwest Texas State University, she received a Masters of Education from the University of Texas at Austin. Since graduating as a physical therapist, she has had experience in various pediatric therapy fields, including outpatient, home health, and early childhood intervention programs, and has treated children with a multitude of diagnoses affecting their movement abilities. She uses therapeutic techniques such as cardiovascular endurance training, neuro-muscular re-education, serial casting, therapeutic taping, therapeutic exercise, and sensory integrative techniques to assist each child’s progress with motor skills. Eliette believes strongly in open communication between referring physicians, parents, and therapists so that every person in the child’s healthcare team is working together for the child’s benefit.

Physical Therapist

Sarah graduated from Langston University with her Bachelor's in Physical Therapy in 2004. She has clinical experience in acute patient care, inpatient and outpatient pediatrics, and Pediatric Homehealth. Sarah's clinically interested in pediatrics of all ages, with developmental delays being her favorite. Her favorite thing about being a therapist is interacting with patients and their families. Sarah feels that patients and families must know the "why" behind treatment which ultimately helps with compliance. She works hard to build education into her treatment plans. Sara enjoys traveling and spending time with her three children and teaching and watching them play all sports. 

Physical Therapist

Cheryl decided on a profession in physical therapy after volunteering in the physical therapy department at the UW hospital in Madison, Wisconsin during her middle school years, and has never looked back. Her initial clinical work included acute care and rehab hospitals as well as nursing homes. After receiving her pediatric NDT (Neuro-Developmental Treatment) certification, Cheryl decided to specialize in working with young children and infants with neurological and developmental disorders. She later received further specialization in the NDT approach to treating babies and continued to work with infants and young children with a wide variety of diagnoses in public school settings, Parent-Infant and Early Childhood programs, outpatient clinics, and the NICU. Cheryl owned her own pediatric therapy clinic in McAllen, Texas for 22 years during which time she provided follow-up screenings and treatment services to graduates of the NICU there as well as treatment services to children with torticollis, Erb’s palsy, orthopedic, developmental, and neurological disorders. She has also worked with children with sensory integrative disorders. Cheryl and her husband moved to the Austin area in the fall of 2010 to be closer to their grown children and the grand children that have come along the last several years. She began working at Kidtherapy in the fall of 2011. Cheryl continues to enjoy working with children and their families to assist children in developing their motor skills to their fullest potential. She believes that early intervention and parental involvement have proven to have the greatest positive impact on a young child’s development and has committed her professional practice to that ideology.

Physical Therapist

Jenny holds a doctorate in Physical Therapy from Rocky Mountain University. She has extensive experience in pediatrics for outpatient and inpatient, PICU, NICU, DME consulting, school settings, Hippotherapy, home health care, and pool therapy. Jenny has a particular interest in working with children from birth to 3 years of age and those with TBI. She derives great satisfaction from helping children and their families. Her approach involves listening to her clients and utilizing NDT and dynamic motor learning theory, along with incorporating HEP into their natural environment and daily routine. In addition, Jenny was a competitive gymnast during her youth and traveled all over the country for competitions.

Physical Therapist

 Charitha graduated in 2022 with her doctorate in physical therapy. She has clinical experience in outpatient, pediatric, geriatric, and inpatient settings. Charitha is passionate about working with patients with diverse diagnoses but finds herself particularly drawn to sports rehabilitation for individuals with sports-related injuries. Additionally, she finds working with developmental delays in pediatric settings incredibly interesting. One of the most rewarding aspects of being a therapist for Charitha is the opportunity to help patients in the best possible way. She firmly believes that exercise, functional training, and manual therapy are the key tools that can significantly benefit her patients.